Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Je t'aime...Mwen rinmin'w...Nalingi yo

If romance and all things wonderful
All things lovely
All things that make u feel that in that particular moment
you would want to live forever
and relive that moment over and over again,
If that were music...
this is what it would sound like

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fashion over Function -- or the other way around?

last year i picked fashion

i was making very little a paycheck working on the
university campus
but one day i saw these boots and i was in love!
finally something that would fit my calves..
way over my budget but i didn't care
i knew they weren't going to last the whole winter
yet i still couldn't find my care face..
these complimented my soul, my figure, my style,
completed my being.

i took my friend with me to the mall one day
surrendered my entire paycheck
my paltry income
in order to receive more, my beauties, my jewels
my babies.

i was so utterly in love that even through the bus strike
walking for 45 minutes in -40 C temperatures
i would STILL look down to my frozen feet and
i knew they were covered in beauty.

last year i picked fashion over function
by the end of the season, i'm pretty sure i didn't have any toes
i mean i certainly couldn't FEEL them
oh and the fashion that i had picked over the function?
it was gone.. by spring those boots had gone from hot to

so what are we doing this year?
are we going for fashion over function
its a hard decision for a self proclaimed fashionista such as myself..
(yes self proclaimed.. actually maybe not, i mean Halimo called me a fashionista
today.. so i might not be so self proclaimed
i may have some cred
however small)

hot damn lady! you live in ottawa, not in florida.. or even
new york
sooo i'm pretty sure the decision is easy to make
no more winter days entrain de grelotter (im sorry english people.. i couldn't
find a better expression)
i guess i could say freezing my ass off...

so for people who don't want to die from
the God-awful chill in this city come winter time
you have these options:

BULKY yet cute :D
well that's my humble opinion anyways

if you live anywhere in Canada
for goodness sakes.. get some real boots!

skyvvys ;)