Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tryina get that last post in...

not really the last one
hopefully the second last one before the end of the year
and what a year it has been!

what sort of things affected my year?
the same sort of things that affected other young ladies'
year (as in 2010... or any other year for that matter)
-God (hmm, i never capitalize anything on this blog except for the titles but for this one i have no choice.. i mean it would just be rude if i didn't, and if there's one person you don't want to be rude to: it's the G-O-D... just sayin)

now let's get into it
because i can't list all these things and
not share any of the juice!
as my friend who works at king burger would say:

hmm, let's see... so the first one is boys
well not really the first one, more like the first
hehehe, how do boys not affect a young lady, seriously.
and that's all i have to say about that i think
maybe i'll have more insight some other time (like tomorrow), but
for now that's all i got!

school has its ups and its downs but it seems like
this year it has more ups then downs
which is wonderful!
i know it will only get better...
can't wait for that sun-shining day in 2012 when i
will be able to walk out of that school
without having to return in the fall

is simply just amazing. imagine you had a friend
that you beat up, cheated, lied about,
and pretty much dragged
through fire
but this friend still stayed around, waiting
for you to give him a call
and always happy to hear from you and ready to forgive
you after you treated them badly.
that's God. there's no friend on earth like that
so i'm keeping this cat close for sure in 2011.

is awesome. sometimes we fight. sometimes we don't talk.
but we always love. your family is who you choose, but if you're like me,
everyone around you is your family.
So love your neighbour, love your friends, love
your family and tell them you love them repeatedly
and often.
(yes i do realize that i was being
redundant there, it was on purpose)
if you have problems with a family member, make sure
to it either before the new year, or in the new year
doesn't matter when: just fix it.
we don't care about who's wrong or who's right, do
what you know you need to do.

can sometimes get on your nerves. mine certainly
get on mine. but they're special so they have to have their
listing from family. parents are like booster juice
they strain your pockets (pockets in this analogy stands for your nerves)
but in the end they give you such a boost and are
yummy and so cute!

my friends to me are family. so whatever
supposed to say here
was already said in the family section.

God is love, so don't let anyone ever tell you that love doesn't exist
because it does.
love is a choice as well as an emotion. love with your head and
your heart
but mostly with your head
because i heard somewhere that you can't trust your heart
and a lot of times that is a true statement.
love me because i'm awesomely amazing
and bring you superb entertainment through this
fantabulous blog (jk - an aside - i love the sound of jk it's just so funny, right after you say a joke you say jk instead of saying i'm joking... hehehe too funny)
most importantly, love yourself. if you don't
no one is going to love you
and you will not be able to love anyone either.
(you may also die a very sad and lonely life
and we don't want that do we.... no!)

in conclusion
these are the most important things that affected my year..
just wanting a little bit of feedback on this one
what are the sort of things that affected your year this

i seriously would like to know

skyvvys ;)


  1. Ur randomness is so entertaining! This was very well said and alot things u covered are so true..SN: wheneva u get the chance u should elaborate more on certain things.

  2. Thank yous for the compliment! What things exactly do you think I should elaborate on?
