Monday, September 13, 2010

Back to school, back to blog(ging)

i'm back from a long hiatus
yes i am selfish and therefore took a summer break without you're permission
i needed some time to myself,
some regeneration time,
and of course, some time to come up with frigging awesome
ideas for posts... of course.

i can honestly say that i had an amazingly: average summer..
went home to the parent's house,
chilled with friends..
worked some..
but the awesomest part of all was that i FINALLY
learned how to sew.
yes, i know.
it's about time right?
you're right, it really was...... do you guys wanna see some of the stuff i made?
duh! of course, you do... nosy people (hehehe)

this is one of my faves, that i made to wear to a wedding

maybe i should've posted this one first, because this is the first thing i've ever made all by myself..

anywhoo.. there's more to come, i've made way more than this but i just haven't gotten around to taking super awesome pictures of them..

i feel like this school year is going to be awesome, both academically and fun(ily) (i probably just made up a word/term). i recently joined the haitian student association (it's my second time in an ethnic club, the first time i was in the afghan club and it was awesome! now the one i'm in makes sense because of my haitian background.) we'll see what happens, i'm also in charge of fundraising for haiti through in the international house on my university campus... therefore it will be fun times. LASTLY a friend of mine and myself have a youtube show in the works. all i will say is MOGO MOGO!!

ps. the girl in the pictures is my lovely sister emmanuelle

skyvvys ;)

1 comment:

  1. OMG girl..designing is ur thang!! (and manu is such a model!)i need u to hook me up with one of ur designs grl...if u will need the mulah ->(money)..i got that too (im for real). And omg..WTH u was doing in an Afghan club gal?? LMAO smh..i will never completely unfold these mysteries about starting to accept thats juz how "different" u r..and thats AWESOME! do you girly!!
